Los alumn@s del Proyecto Integrado Radio Escolar del IES FERNANDO SAVATER de Jerez de la Frontera vamos a realizar un blog digital que esperamos sea del agrado de toda la comunidad educativa. Los alumn@s que integran este proyecto son: Irene Nieto, Blanca Sánchez , Alberto Aguilar, Héctor Barea, Ana M. Dominguez, Fernando España, Fernando Gil, José M. Guzmán, Alejandro Huerta, Lorena Ruiz, Daniel Ochoa, María Bellido & Alfredo Brandón. También hemos invitado a participar en nuestro blog a nuestras dos auxiliares de conversación: Helen & Jenna. Esperamos contar con vuestro seguimiento y sugerencias. Parte de las noticias que publiquemos en nuestro blog también serán "retransmitidas" por nuestra Radio escolar.Un saludo de todo el equipo y mucha suerte a tod@s en este nuevo curso.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

Our Language Assistants Helen & Jenna

Hello! I'm Maria Bello, a student at 4 º A.
First I wanted this blog entry was different from the others. So I decided to write about our language assistants.
They are Jenna and helen, they have been our language assistants this year.They have taught us more English and especially the pronunciation. I have only met Jenna but I think Helen is a very good girl too! In my class, we laughed, we played and had a lot of fun.
Jenna is a girl from San Jose, California, she has been a nice girl, quiet and very funny!
Helen is a girl from England in the United Kingdom, I have not met her but she looked very quiet and friendly!
Tell them that we learned a lot with them and we had a great time!
I hope they also keep good memories of us and do well.
I have written this entry in English because they speak English, and I wanted to do it difrerently!

Maria Bellido (4ºA)

1 comentario:

  1. Hi María,

    I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed our classes together. I had a lot of fun working and learning with you all as well. You're a great student:-) Keep up the hard work!

    Hello to everyone at school! I miss you all!
