Los alumn@s del Proyecto Integrado Radio Escolar del IES FERNANDO SAVATER de Jerez de la Frontera vamos a realizar un blog digital que esperamos sea del agrado de toda la comunidad educativa. Los alumn@s que integran este proyecto son: Irene Nieto, Blanca Sánchez , Alberto Aguilar, Héctor Barea, Ana M. Dominguez, Fernando España, Fernando Gil, José M. Guzmán, Alejandro Huerta, Lorena Ruiz, Daniel Ochoa, María Bellido & Alfredo Brandón. También hemos invitado a participar en nuestro blog a nuestras dos auxiliares de conversación: Helen & Jenna. Esperamos contar con vuestro seguimiento y sugerencias. Parte de las noticias que publiquemos en nuestro blog también serán "retransmitidas" por nuestra Radio escolar.Un saludo de todo el equipo y mucha suerte a tod@s en este nuevo curso.

viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

Helen Our British Language Assistant

My name is Helen, I’m 20 years old and I’m from England in the United Kingdom. I live in a region called The Lake District, where there are lots of rivers, lakes and mountains. I like to go walking in the mountains as often as I can. My hometown is called Ulverston and it has a population of 12,500. I live with my parents and my brother James, who is 22 years old.
I study modern languages at Lancaster University, which is one hour from my home. I live at university during term time and with my parents in the holidays. In my spare time I like cooking, hiking and spending time with friends. I love to travel and last year I spent a month travelling around Europe. My favourite places were Istanbul in Turkey and Bled in Slovenia.
I arrived in Spain on 20th September and so far I love it. I am really looking forward to teaching in IES Fernando Savater!
Here are two pictures that show the landscape of my region:

And now some questions for you to answer...
  1. Which region in England is Helen from?
  2. At which university does Helen study?
  3. What does Helen like to do in her free time?
  4. Which are Helen's favourite countries?
  5. When did Helen arrive in Spain?



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